20–21 Aug 2024
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur timezone

Enhancing the Success Profiles: Grade 41

Not scheduled
Pembangunan Bakat Universiti Sesi Pembentangan Selari


salehuddin salim (staff)



In January 2020, UUM focused on restructuring and integrating the human resources process to establish a competitive advantage and fulfill the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2015-2025 (Talent Excellence) (UUM Registrar, 2020). In order to cultivate the talent within the organization, it is imperative to establish a comprehensive system that encompasses the identification, assessment, nurturing, and acknowledgment of individuals' skills and potential. The efforts continued until 2021, when the Human Resource Department, with academic expertise from the School of Business Management, brainstormed and held a workshop about how to develop and embrace the university's talent. In July 2024, we conducted a structured interview with a sample of UUM Head of Department/Division (HoD), and found that ten (10) or 77% of these HoDs strongly emphasized the importance of hiring and selection operations in identifying suitable talent and developing a succession plan for their company. Therefore, the officer's appointment (grade 41) necessitates the enhancement of a success profile, which encompasses the knowledge, skills, experiences, and characteristics necessary for success in any given role. It sets the standard for training and development, while also helping leaders evaluate who might make a good succession candidate for a position. The study also determined that officers at grade 41 (Assistant Registrar/Equivalent) must possess nine (9) essential competencies that will serve as a reference point for developing indicators of succession planning, which will assess the level of proficiency achieved over an individual's tenure in the specified position.

Keywords: Competency, Competencies, Succession Planning, Required Competency Level (RCL)

Primary author

salehuddin salim (staff)

Presentation materials

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